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Tom Munds
Oct 25, 20239 min read
Extremism... A subjective phrase peddled by neocons and Anti-Americans in the name of Idaho Values
There is a world of confusion out there. In an effort to try to overcome such confusion as I always try to do and for the sake of this...
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Tom Munds
Jun 12, 20236 min read
Fear, Silence and having something to say
If you havent' heard, I have something to say. I guess I have for a long time now. I remember being in school at a young age questioning...
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Tom Munds
Aug 26, 20225 min read
Brad Little, Davy Crockett, Horacio Bunce (and Karl Marx)
In Idaho, another election season is upon us and yet again, we are forced to endure grown adults acting like children that include lies...
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Tom Munds
Jul 26, 20223 min read
ID GOP smears continue- Tom's rebuttal to Twin Falls rag
Magic Valley Article HERE The smears are still coming on fast and hard. It is clear the establishment GOP is losing control and you can...
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Tom Munds
Jul 25, 20225 min read
Idaho GOP, Dorothy Moon and JBS- Rebuttal to Magic Valley leftist rag
Idaho view: In convention dominated by fear, control and cruelty, extremists take over Idaho GOP | Politics | For those...
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Tom Munds
Mar 28, 20227 min read
Idaho, Political Activism: Intellect, emotion or both?
Another election season and the primaries are not far off. Will Idahoans make good decisions or will history repeat itself for those that...
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Tom Munds
Sep 13, 20215 min read
Randy Stapilus- RINO, Democrat, ignorant or just a Marxist? Is there a difference?
Rebuttal to Randy Stapilis for Idaho Press tribune from September 7th, 2021
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Tom Munds
Jul 1, 20213 min read
Is Idaho really Constitutionally conservative?
I have written rather extensively about my disgust with the Idaho GOP and why. I thought I would offer words of another that agree with...
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Tom Munds
Mar 5, 20215 min read
To the Cheney's and Little's of the world. Part 2 of 2
Republicans support Socialist programs but in their emails they will attempt to create fear and urgency and attempt to ask for donations...
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Tom Munds
Feb 28, 20214 min read
To The Cheney's and Little's of the world. Part 1 of 2
Little tyrants, that's what they are. I have watched and have been engaged in Idaho politics for almost two decades. I have watched the...
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