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Freedom is the Cure- COVID TRUTH

4x8 plstc freedombird - Copy.JPG
    This page is dedicated to providing information for your consideration about COVID-19 that may not be well known. Much of this information has been censored but is provided here to share a perspective that may be worthwhile in challenging yourselves, the media and government narrative. This content on this page will continually be added as time allows. All of the links were working at the time they were placed here. ​ This page was designed to be a landing page for the brochures I created and I will be handing those out to those that are unaware of my page. All that will be needed is for those receiving my brochures is to place their phone over the QR code in camera mode and they will be taken to this page to click on titles to access the articles. This page was not created to upset or argue with anyone nor do I think it will change everyone's mind. It was created in good conscience to offer a warning for those open to challenging what they think they know. There are many areas that this issue covers so click on the topic that interests you to view a dropdown menu. If you find any information that can be proven false and can substantiate your claim with other proof, I would be happy to remove my source or at least post yours to challenge the reader to make up their own mind. This page is in no way designed to be one sided but since the media seems to be and we all know what their position is, there really is no need to give them room here. ​ If you find this information worth sharing please share the link or links and be sure to scroll to the bottom of this page and PRINT COPIES OF THE BROCHURE to share with others. Click on a title and reveal its contents and click the subtitle to learn more.
    11-point overview-China/5G radiation sickness
    Facts on coronavirus 2019-nCoV, SARS-CoV, Spike protein, Maturation protease,Furin, Antivirals
    Ask the experts, Pfizer CEO: Not sure of transmission after vaccine
    Bill Gates wants all his dreams to come true for all humanity-ABC news Italian Parliament member demands arrest of Bill Gates for Crimes of Humanity What you don’t know about Bill Gates How Bill Gates and the WHO crushed Hydroxychloroquine Bill Gates, a Beyond Meat stakeholder, wants all first world countries to eat synthetic meat Bill Gates/ Fake virus/DNA modifying vaccines Gates to use mosquitos to vaccine you Bill Gates briefing to the CIA What did Bill Gates just say
    Is COVID a bio-weapon: Cambridge statement on the Creation of Pathogens Rothchilds created and patented covid biometric tests: Mike Adams joins Alex jones about why covid is a bioweapon: Weaponizing virus: Biological Weapon Vaccines change your DNA Wyoming medical doctor says COVID is a bioweapon David E. Martin- The missing link and Biological warfare Bio-warfare & Weaponization of Medicine Amid Covid - The New American Is the recent corona virus, COVID-19 a biological weapon? - Utica Phoenix The Cambridge Working Group Proof it is a bioweapon Connections to Chinese biowarfare COVID 19 is a bioweapon Bioweapon unleashed Spiro- Bioweapon coronavirus update Bioweapons: (Man-made)
    Chinese data control geo fencing: New Chinese app controlling citizens People welded in their homes in china? Justin Trudeau supports CCP CCP makes billions on masks sent to the US US infiltration of CCP members Fact Sheet: Activity at the Wuhan Institute of Virology - United States Department of State During Pandemic, China Sent Millions of Counterfeit Masks, Test Kits to US: Customs Data CHINA using anal swabs to detect COVID Did CHINA leak terrifying numbers or was it fear mongering? CHINA admits to rigging its numbers China withheld data from the WHO WHO's "investigation" into the Wuhan lab was conducted in part by a CCP advisor, Marion Koopmans China arrests leader of criminal organization selling “fake” coronavirus vaccines Communist China trying to genetically engineer new master race Rush Limbaugh makes obvious point that Wuhan coronavirus might have been a Chinese bioweapon that escaped from the lab Mikey beholden to China? Wife of former Bloomberg journalist says he "tried to ruin me for speaking out" against Communist regime China’s own scientists conclude the CoVid-19 coronavirus did not originate in the Wuhan seafood market Was coronavirus spread by BSL-4 lab animals that were illegally sold as meat on the black market? Connections to Chinese biowarfare China's dilemma
    Definition of COVID-19 Certificate Of Vaccination ID Artificial Intelligence Knowing the plans of the enemy and Bill Gates video Breaking news on CCP virus Govt in Ireland forced to admit COVID doesn’t exist What you are not being told Coronavirus linked to British Rothschilds Coronavirus and the Orwellian state Coronavirus not what we were told Germany ratifies AGENDAID2020 and Gates vaccine package Simpsons episode Simpsons “predict” the future 17 times Proof Agenda 21 and the Great Reset are NWO Fake injection? Ultimate proof that COVID was created to bring about the NWO
    Career as a contact tracer
    CDC for thanksgiving Medical tyranny and plans to invade your home CDC calls for interment camps and invasion of homes Seattle Fire will go door to door with coronavirus vaccines to adult family homes | The Seattle Times Germany Will Detain COVID-19 Rulebreakers in Refugee Camps - The New American Medical tyranny BOISE re-issues mask mandate LA and medical tyranny CDH IDAHO: Medical tyranny on private businesses Liberal female “health inspector” caught dancing after threatening to close brewery because of coronavirus Germany keeps lockdown in place even as the government receives intense criticism from business organizations UK citizens may have to present a vaccine passport before entering pubs and restaurants Medical and worldwide tyranny music video-Pots and Pans Deep state attack on water supply Issa says get vaccine, get back to normalBiden calls Governors freeing mandates neanderthal thinking
    Covid and drug cartels
    Non-maskers create havoc in the grocery store- The sheep are nervous
    CIA Operations Seaspray, Paperclip, MKNAOMI, Big City, Depopulation, RFID and Digital Vaccine (MUST WATCH FIRST) Great Reset Welcome to the Great Reset Catherine Austin Fitts: Mark of the beast rollout: Dr. Lee Merritt Dismantles COVID-19:Americas frontline doctors speak out! Plandemic- Dr. Judy Mikovits: Down the rabbit hole: Operation paperclip Who is Bill Gates- from Microsoft to vaccines Documentary: Project Lockstep Documentary: COVID and the great reset- The reset is you Documentary: The next phase of the agenda -Globalism, Agenda 21 The Real Agenda Behind The Pandemic - LOCKDOWN Documentary The fall of the cabal documentary Documentary-Out of the Shadows documentary on Hollywood/CIA/behavioral manipulation/mind control
    Russell Blaylock Sherri Tenpenny Mike Adams Catherine Austin Fitts Andrew Wakefield Francis Boyle Simone Gold Sam Bailey-Nz Lee Merritt Stephen Malthouse Pamala Acker Rashid Buttar
    Vaccine depopulation in 3-6 months- Dr. Tenpenny Vaccine director days kill all white people CDC admits 98 million Americans were injected with cancer Bill gates says 30 million will die in 6 months Experts says 10’s of millions could die How vaccines may destroy millions of people Claire Edwards documentary- Genocide of COVID-19 Mandatory vaccinations and genocide Great reset is a eugenics program under Agenda 21 People dropping like flies Incineration ovens Miscarriages and stillbirths after COVID vaccination Depopulation: the ultimate solution to the carbon crisis Austria suspends Astra Zeneca vaccine after death Ex-Medical Examiner: 500,000 COVID deaths is a lie Black leaders dare expose the COVID genocide Depopulation with mRNA vaccine in 3-6 months Unusually large shipments of body bags- Fed Ex employee
    Enter your answer here
    Fudged numbers- COVID numbers up as flu shots go up Johns Hopkins removes original numbers To get the numbers they want- Maintaining the narrative Fudged numbers: 202 no different that previous years A closer look at the deaths- Johns Hopkins Johns Hopkins info taken down on COVID-19 Research shows No surge of fatalities in 2020, despite COVID virus- 12/20 CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers - Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 How they get their numbers to achieve their objective
    Fauci’s mask hypocrisy: No masks, two masks? COVID test Inventor says Fauci is not to be trusted Ex-Fauci employee DR FRITZ tells all- Fauci/money/vaccine/ genocide Rashid Buttar- MIT TOP 50 virologist exposes gates, Fauci and political motivations Obama Grant- Fauci- Wuhan lab Fauci, Gates, Kissinger Overview video
    Up to 1.7 M people could die Prepping for millions infected CDC TEN DAYS TO COLLAPSE Hospital beds to be overrun by May 8 A trip to the infected zone Coronavirus fear porn 34 times worse than flu Why the US is in big trouble Panic buying Coronavirus fear porn Weaponized virus hits the US 1000 cases in LA Cases explode overnight Hitting US HARD IN 2-4 weeks
    Australians forced vaccinations Bill to penalize missed vaccines Bill gates calls for vaccine certificate National plan to vaccinate everyone Plans to come after home school kids Forced plan Vaccinations created by big pharma Trump spares mandatory vaccines Australia force vaccinates citizens via chemtrails Trumps pic, Scott Gottlieb supports mandatory vaccinations Vaccine bill- SB163-Colorado, polio/CDC agenda repeats itself Setting the bar for vaccinations Australians forced vaccinations Corporations pushing mandatory coronavirus vaccines for customers, not just employees EPA approves chemical air spray treatments (chemtrails)
    Abnormal genetic code-Altering the human genome CIA 2005 removing God through vaccines Gates admits vaccine will change your DNA forever Elon Musk- You can basically reprogram people with the vaccine Abnormal genetic code
    Now is the time for The Great Reset Great reset is a eugenics program under Agenda 21 HG Wells dystopia and The Great Reset
  • HOAX
    Empty Hospitals COVID plandemic socialist scheme Greatest hoax on all humanity German doctor says COVID is a hoax The greatest hoax on all humanity Government says COVID does not exist
    CDC says Flu is gone, its all COVID Fauci promoted HCQ in 2015 Pfizer CEO cancels trip to Israel-He is not vaccinated
    Pfizer CEO: Not sure of transmission after vaccine Ireland forced to admit it doesn’t exist Incubation confusion We are not the first civilization to face a full catastrophic human wipeout
    Sara Brady Eva Selleck Ammon Bundy Robert Jones David Pettinger Bryan Bowermaster Robert Jones North Idaho
    No governor can mandate wearing a mask There is no COVID exemption in our constitution Frontline Doctors- Vaccine Bill of Rights
    Can businesses be in trouble for violating the practice of medicine No governor can mandate wearing a mask Two differing outcomes on mandates The illegality of masks “Lawful” authority for Idaho Health districts 8 ways the constitution was violated in Idaho DOES MY CHILD HAVE TO WEAR A MASK TO SCHOOL? “Special laws” governing communicable diseases-CDC Michael Law- Charges on Idaho’s Governor Brad Little Idaho DHW law Idaho Code: Definitions of “isolation” and “quarantine” The "Order" was issued by H&W Director Jeppesen 1of2 The "Order" was issued by H&W Director Jeppesen 2of2 Letter to the governor Idaho Emergency Operations Plan
    States looking at revisiting forced vaccine laws Covid-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines 10 points of the Nuremburg Code NUREMBERG CODE: Nuremberg code=Must be Voluntary! 8 facts that are actually lies There is no COVID exemption in our constitution No governor can mandate wearing a mask Legal review of MASKS pertaining to the ADA Government loses landmark vaccine case Federal civil rights statute Laws for the common good (communism) “Special laws” governing communicable diseases-CDC Federal law-Deprivation of Rights
    Nonprofit to File Lawsuit Against CDC Over Statement That Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism Government loses landmark vaccine case Lawyers Promise ‘Nuremberg Trials’ Against All Behind COVID Scam
    Coronavirus lockdown Police quarantine entire CA block after man dies Lockdowns pave the way for totalitarian control Lockdown is a power grab Report: States that imposed lockdown have more COVID-19 deaths per million compared to no-lockdown states Quarantine camps Quarantine camps in major US airports Cruise ships quarantined in Nebraska Alabama quarantine Iran on lockdown Former Clinton advisor says we are becoming more totalitarian with lockdowns Public Officials lying about lockdowns
    This page is dedicated to providing information for your consideration about COVID-19 that may not be well known. Much of this information has been censored but is provided here to share a perspective that may be worthwhile in challenging yourselves, the media and government narrative. This content on this page will continually be added as time allows. All of the links were working at the time they were placed here. ​ This page was designed to be a landing page for the brochures I created and I will be handing those out to those that are unaware of my page. All that will be needed is for those receiving my brochures is to place their phone over the QR code in camera mode and they will be taken to this page to click on titles to access the articles. This page was not created to upset or argue with anyone nor do I think it will change everyone's mind. It was created in good conscience to offer a warning for those open to challenging what they think they know. There are many areas that this issue covers so click on the topic that interests you to view a dropdown menu. If you find any information that can be proven false and can substantiate your claim with other proof, I would be happy to remove my source or at least post yours to challenge the reader to make up their own mind. This page is in no way designed to be one sided but since the media seems to be and we all know what their position is, there really is no need to give them room here. ​ If you find this information worth sharing please share the link or links and be sure to scroll to the bottom of this page and PRINT COPIES OF THE BROCHURE to share with others. Click on a title and reveal its contents and click the subtitle to learn more.
    11-point overview-China/5G radiation sickness
    Facts on coronavirus 2019-nCoV, SARS-CoV, Spike protein, Maturation protease,Furin, Antivirals
    Ask the experts, Pfizer CEO: Not sure of transmission after vaccine
    Bill Gates wants all his dreams to come true for all humanity-ABC news Italian Parliament member demands arrest of Bill Gates for Crimes of Humanity What you don’t know about Bill Gates How Bill Gates and the WHO crushed Hydroxychloroquine Bill Gates, a Beyond Meat stakeholder, wants all first world countries to eat synthetic meat Bill Gates/ Fake virus/DNA modifying vaccines Gates to use mosquitos to vaccine you Bill Gates briefing to the CIA What did Bill Gates just say
    Is COVID a bio-weapon: Cambridge statement on the Creation of Pathogens Rothchilds created and patented covid biometric tests: Mike Adams joins Alex jones about why covid is a bioweapon: Weaponizing virus: Biological Weapon Vaccines change your DNA Wyoming medical doctor says COVID is a bioweapon David E. Martin- The missing link and Biological warfare Bio-warfare & Weaponization of Medicine Amid Covid - The New American Is the recent corona virus, COVID-19 a biological weapon? - Utica Phoenix The Cambridge Working Group Proof it is a bioweapon Connections to Chinese biowarfare COVID 19 is a bioweapon Bioweapon unleashed Spiro- Bioweapon coronavirus update Bioweapons: (Man-made)
    Chinese data control geo fencing: New Chinese app controlling citizens People welded in their homes in china? Justin Trudeau supports CCP CCP makes billions on masks sent to the US US infiltration of CCP members Fact Sheet: Activity at the Wuhan Institute of Virology - United States Department of State During Pandemic, China Sent Millions of Counterfeit Masks, Test Kits to US: Customs Data CHINA using anal swabs to detect COVID Did CHINA leak terrifying numbers or was it fear mongering? CHINA admits to rigging its numbers China withheld data from the WHO WHO's "investigation" into the Wuhan lab was conducted in part by a CCP advisor, Marion Koopmans China arrests leader of criminal organization selling “fake” coronavirus vaccines Communist China trying to genetically engineer new master race Rush Limbaugh makes obvious point that Wuhan coronavirus might have been a Chinese bioweapon that escaped from the lab Mikey beholden to China? Wife of former Bloomberg journalist says he "tried to ruin me for speaking out" against Communist regime China’s own scientists conclude the CoVid-19 coronavirus did not originate in the Wuhan seafood market Was coronavirus spread by BSL-4 lab animals that were illegally sold as meat on the black market? Connections to Chinese biowarfare China's dilemma
    Definition of COVID-19 Certificate Of Vaccination ID Artificial Intelligence Knowing the plans of the enemy and Bill Gates video Breaking news on CCP virus Govt in Ireland forced to admit COVID doesn’t exist What you are not being told Coronavirus linked to British Rothschilds Coronavirus and the Orwellian state Coronavirus not what we were told Germany ratifies AGENDAID2020 and Gates vaccine package Simpsons episode Simpsons “predict” the future 17 times Proof Agenda 21 and the Great Reset are NWO Fake injection? Ultimate proof that COVID was created to bring about the NWO
    Career as a contact tracer
    CDC for thanksgiving Medical tyranny and plans to invade your home CDC calls for interment camps and invasion of homes Seattle Fire will go door to door with coronavirus vaccines to adult family homes | The Seattle Times Germany Will Detain COVID-19 Rulebreakers in Refugee Camps - The New American Medical tyranny BOISE re-issues mask mandate LA and medical tyranny CDH IDAHO: Medical tyranny on private businesses Liberal female “health inspector” caught dancing after threatening to close brewery because of coronavirus Germany keeps lockdown in place even as the government receives intense criticism from business organizations UK citizens may have to present a vaccine passport before entering pubs and restaurants Medical and worldwide tyranny music video-Pots and Pans Deep state attack on water supply Issa says get vaccine, get back to normalBiden calls Governors freeing mandates neanderthal thinking
    Covid and drug cartels
    Non-maskers create havoc in the grocery store- The sheep are nervous
    CIA Operations Seaspray, Paperclip, MKNAOMI, Big City, Depopulation, RFID and Digital Vaccine (MUST WATCH FIRST) Great Reset Welcome to the Great Reset Catherine Austin Fitts: Mark of the beast rollout: Dr. Lee Merritt Dismantles COVID-19:Americas frontline doctors speak out! Plandemic- Dr. Judy Mikovits: Down the rabbit hole: Operation paperclip Who is Bill Gates- from Microsoft to vaccines Documentary: Project Lockstep Documentary: COVID and the great reset- The reset is you Documentary: The next phase of the agenda -Globalism, Agenda 21 The Real Agenda Behind The Pandemic - LOCKDOWN Documentary The fall of the cabal documentary Documentary-Out of the Shadows documentary on Hollywood/CIA/behavioral manipulation/mind control
    Russell Blaylock Sherri Tenpenny Mike Adams Catherine Austin Fitts Andrew Wakefield Francis Boyle Simone Gold Sam Bailey-Nz Lee Merritt Stephen Malthouse Pamala Acker Rashid Buttar
    Vaccine depopulation in 3-6 months- Dr. Tenpenny Vaccine director days kill all white people CDC admits 98 million Americans were injected with cancer Bill gates says 30 million will die in 6 months Experts says 10’s of millions could die How vaccines may destroy millions of people Claire Edwards documentary- Genocide of COVID-19 Mandatory vaccinations and genocide Great reset is a eugenics program under Agenda 21 People dropping like flies Incineration ovens Miscarriages and stillbirths after COVID vaccination Depopulation: the ultimate solution to the carbon crisis Austria suspends Astra Zeneca vaccine after death Ex-Medical Examiner: 500,000 COVID deaths is a lie Black leaders dare expose the COVID genocide Depopulation with mRNA vaccine in 3-6 months Unusually large shipments of body bags- Fed Ex employee
    Enter your answer here
    Fudged numbers- COVID numbers up as flu shots go up Johns Hopkins removes original numbers To get the numbers they want- Maintaining the narrative Fudged numbers: 202 no different that previous years A closer look at the deaths- Johns Hopkins Johns Hopkins info taken down on COVID-19 Research shows No surge of fatalities in 2020, despite COVID virus- 12/20 CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers - Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 How they get their numbers to achieve their objective
    Fauci’s mask hypocrisy: No masks, two masks? COVID test Inventor says Fauci is not to be trusted Ex-Fauci employee DR FRITZ tells all- Fauci/money/vaccine/ genocide Rashid Buttar- MIT TOP 50 virologist exposes gates, Fauci and political motivations Obama Grant- Fauci- Wuhan lab Fauci, Gates, Kissinger Overview video
    Up to 1.7 M people could die Prepping for millions infected CDC TEN DAYS TO COLLAPSE Hospital beds to be overrun by May 8 A trip to the infected zone Coronavirus fear porn 34 times worse than flu Why the US is in big trouble Panic buying Coronavirus fear porn Weaponized virus hits the US 1000 cases in LA Cases explode overnight Hitting US HARD IN 2-4 weeks
    Australians forced vaccinations Bill to penalize missed vaccines Bill gates calls for vaccine certificate National plan to vaccinate everyone Plans to come after home school kids Forced plan Vaccinations created by big pharma Trump spares mandatory vaccines Australia force vaccinates citizens via chemtrails Trumps pic, Scott Gottlieb supports mandatory vaccinations Vaccine bill- SB163-Colorado, polio/CDC agenda repeats itself Setting the bar for vaccinations Australians forced vaccinations Corporations pushing mandatory coronavirus vaccines for customers, not just employees EPA approves chemical air spray treatments (chemtrails)
    Abnormal genetic code-Altering the human genome CIA 2005 removing God through vaccines Gates admits vaccine will change your DNA forever Elon Musk- You can basically reprogram people with the vaccine Abnormal genetic code
    Now is the time for The Great Reset Great reset is a eugenics program under Agenda 21 HG Wells dystopia and The Great Reset
  • HOAX
    Empty Hospitals COVID plandemic socialist scheme Greatest hoax on all humanity German doctor says COVID is a hoax The greatest hoax on all humanity Government says COVID does not exist
    CDC says Flu is gone, its all COVID Fauci promoted HCQ in 2015 Pfizer CEO cancels trip to Israel-He is not vaccinated
    Pfizer CEO: Not sure of transmission after vaccine Ireland forced to admit it doesn’t exist Incubation confusion We are not the first civilization to face a full catastrophic human wipeout
    Sara Brady Eva Selleck Ammon Bundy Robert Jones David Pettinger Bryan Bowermaster Robert Jones North Idaho
    No governor can mandate wearing a mask There is no COVID exemption in our constitution Frontline Doctors- Vaccine Bill of Rights
    Can businesses be in trouble for violating the practice of medicine No governor can mandate wearing a mask Two differing outcomes on mandates The illegality of masks “Lawful” authority for Idaho Health districts 8 ways the constitution was violated in Idaho DOES MY CHILD HAVE TO WEAR A MASK TO SCHOOL? “Special laws” governing communicable diseases-CDC Michael Law- Charges on Idaho’s Governor Brad Little Idaho DHW law Idaho Code: Definitions of “isolation” and “quarantine” The "Order" was issued by H&W Director Jeppesen 1of2 The "Order" was issued by H&W Director Jeppesen 2of2 Letter to the governor Idaho Emergency Operations Plan
    States looking at revisiting forced vaccine laws Covid-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines 10 points of the Nuremburg Code NUREMBERG CODE: Nuremberg code=Must be Voluntary! 8 facts that are actually lies There is no COVID exemption in our constitution No governor can mandate wearing a mask Legal review of MASKS pertaining to the ADA Government loses landmark vaccine case Federal civil rights statute Laws for the common good (communism) “Special laws” governing communicable diseases-CDC Federal law-Deprivation of Rights
    Nonprofit to File Lawsuit Against CDC Over Statement That Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism Government loses landmark vaccine case Lawyers Promise ‘Nuremberg Trials’ Against All Behind COVID Scam
    Coronavirus lockdown Police quarantine entire CA block after man dies Lockdowns pave the way for totalitarian control Lockdown is a power grab Report: States that imposed lockdown have more COVID-19 deaths per million compared to no-lockdown states Quarantine camps Quarantine camps in major US airports Cruise ships quarantined in Nebraska Alabama quarantine Iran on lockdown Former Clinton advisor says we are becoming more totalitarian with lockdowns Public Officials lying about lockdowns
    This page is dedicated to providing information for your consideration about COVID-19 that may not be well known. Much of this information has been censored but is provided here to share a perspective that may be worthwhile in challenging yourselves, the media and government narrative. This content on this page will continually be added as time allows. All of the links were working at the time they were placed here. ​ This page was designed to be a landing page for the brochures I created and I will be handing those out to those that are unaware of my page. All that will be needed is for those receiving my brochures is to place their phone over the QR code in camera mode and they will be taken to this page to click on titles to access the articles. This page was not created to upset or argue with anyone nor do I think it will change everyone's mind. It was created in good conscience to offer a warning for those open to challenging what they think they know. There are many areas that this issue covers so click on the topic that interests you to view a dropdown menu. If you find any information that can be proven false and can substantiate your claim with other proof, I would be happy to remove my source or at least post yours to challenge the reader to make up their own mind. This page is in no way designed to be one sided but since the media seems to be and we all know what their position is, there really is no need to give them room here. ​ If you find this information worth sharing please share the link or links and be sure to scroll to the bottom of this page and PRINT COPIES OF THE BROCHURE to share with others. Click on a title and reveal its contents and click the subtitle to learn more.
    11-point overview-China/5G radiation sickness
    Facts on coronavirus 2019-nCoV, SARS-CoV, Spike protein, Maturation protease,Furin, Antivirals
    Ask the experts, Pfizer CEO: Not sure of transmission after vaccine
    Bill Gates wants all his dreams to come true for all humanity-ABC news Italian Parliament member demands arrest of Bill Gates for Crimes of Humanity What you don’t know about Bill Gates How Bill Gates and the WHO crushed Hydroxychloroquine Bill Gates, a Beyond Meat stakeholder, wants all first world countries to eat synthetic meat Bill Gates/ Fake virus/DNA modifying vaccines Gates to use mosquitos to vaccine you Bill Gates briefing to the CIA What did Bill Gates just say
    Is COVID a bio-weapon: Cambridge statement on the Creation of Pathogens Rothchilds created and patented covid biometric tests: Mike Adams joins Alex jones about why covid is a bioweapon: Weaponizing virus: Biological Weapon Vaccines change your DNA Wyoming medical doctor says COVID is a bioweapon David E. Martin- The missing link and Biological warfare Bio-warfare & Weaponization of Medicine Amid Covid - The New American Is the recent corona virus, COVID-19 a biological weapon? - Utica Phoenix The Cambridge Working Group Proof it is a bioweapon Connections to Chinese biowarfare COVID 19 is a bioweapon Bioweapon unleashed Spiro- Bioweapon coronavirus update Bioweapons: (Man-made)
    Chinese data control geo fencing: New Chinese app controlling citizens People welded in their homes in china? Justin Trudeau supports CCP CCP makes billions on masks sent to the US US infiltration of CCP members Fact Sheet: Activity at the Wuhan Institute of Virology - United States Department of State During Pandemic, China Sent Millions of Counterfeit Masks, Test Kits to US: Customs Data CHINA using anal swabs to detect COVID Did CHINA leak terrifying numbers or was it fear mongering? CHINA admits to rigging its numbers China withheld data from the WHO WHO's "investigation" into the Wuhan lab was conducted in part by a CCP advisor, Marion Koopmans China arrests leader of criminal organization selling “fake” coronavirus vaccines Communist China trying to genetically engineer new master race Rush Limbaugh makes obvious point that Wuhan coronavirus might have been a Chinese bioweapon that escaped from the lab Mikey beholden to China? Wife of former Bloomberg journalist says he "tried to ruin me for speaking out" against Communist regime China’s own scientists conclude the CoVid-19 coronavirus did not originate in the Wuhan seafood market Was coronavirus spread by BSL-4 lab animals that were illegally sold as meat on the black market? Connections to Chinese biowarfare China's dilemma
    Definition of COVID-19 Certificate Of Vaccination ID Artificial Intelligence Knowing the plans of the enemy and Bill Gates video Breaking news on CCP virus Govt in Ireland forced to admit COVID doesn’t exist What you are not being told Coronavirus linked to British Rothschilds Coronavirus and the Orwellian state Coronavirus not what we were told Germany ratifies AGENDAID2020 and Gates vaccine package Simpsons episode Simpsons “predict” the future 17 times Proof Agenda 21 and the Great Reset are NWO Fake injection? Ultimate proof that COVID was created to bring about the NWO
    Career as a contact tracer
    CDC for thanksgiving Medical tyranny and plans to invade your home CDC calls for interment camps and invasion of homes Seattle Fire will go door to door with coronavirus vaccines to adult family homes | The Seattle Times Germany Will Detain COVID-19 Rulebreakers in Refugee Camps - The New American Medical tyranny BOISE re-issues mask mandate LA and medical tyranny CDH IDAHO: Medical tyranny on private businesses Liberal female “health inspector” caught dancing after threatening to close brewery because of coronavirus Germany keeps lockdown in place even as the government receives intense criticism from business organizations UK citizens may have to present a vaccine passport before entering pubs and restaurants Medical and worldwide tyranny music video-Pots and Pans Deep state attack on water supply Issa says get vaccine, get back to normalBiden calls Governors freeing mandates neanderthal thinking
    Covid and drug cartels
    Non-maskers create havoc in the grocery store- The sheep are nervous
    CIA Operations Seaspray, Paperclip, MKNAOMI, Big City, Depopulation, RFID and Digital Vaccine (MUST WATCH FIRST) Great Reset Welcome to the Great Reset Catherine Austin Fitts: Mark of the beast rollout: Dr. Lee Merritt Dismantles COVID-19:Americas frontline doctors speak out! Plandemic- Dr. Judy Mikovits: Down the rabbit hole: Operation paperclip Who is Bill Gates- from Microsoft to vaccines Documentary: Project Lockstep Documentary: COVID and the great reset- The reset is you Documentary: The next phase of the agenda -Globalism, Agenda 21 The Real Agenda Behind The Pandemic - LOCKDOWN Documentary The fall of the cabal documentary Documentary-Out of the Shadows documentary on Hollywood/CIA/behavioral manipulation/mind control
    Russell Blaylock Sherri Tenpenny Mike Adams Catherine Austin Fitts Andrew Wakefield Francis Boyle Simone Gold Sam Bailey-Nz Lee Merritt Stephen Malthouse Pamala Acker Rashid Buttar
    Vaccine depopulation in 3-6 months- Dr. Tenpenny Vaccine director days kill all white people CDC admits 98 million Americans were injected with cancer Bill gates says 30 million will die in 6 months Experts says 10’s of millions could die How vaccines may destroy millions of people Claire Edwards documentary- Genocide of COVID-19 Mandatory vaccinations and genocide Great reset is a eugenics program under Agenda 21 People dropping like flies Incineration ovens Miscarriages and stillbirths after COVID vaccination Depopulation: the ultimate solution to the carbon crisis Austria suspends Astra Zeneca vaccine after death Ex-Medical Examiner: 500,000 COVID deaths is a lie Black leaders dare expose the COVID genocide Depopulation with mRNA vaccine in 3-6 months Unusually large shipments of body bags- Fed Ex employee
    Enter your answer here
    Fudged numbers- COVID numbers up as flu shots go up Johns Hopkins removes original numbers To get the numbers they want- Maintaining the narrative Fudged numbers: 202 no different that previous years A closer look at the deaths- Johns Hopkins Johns Hopkins info taken down on COVID-19 Research shows No surge of fatalities in 2020, despite COVID virus- 12/20 CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers - Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 How they get their numbers to achieve their objective
    Fauci’s mask hypocrisy: No masks, two masks? COVID test Inventor says Fauci is not to be trusted Ex-Fauci employee DR FRITZ tells all- Fauci/money/vaccine/ genocide Rashid Buttar- MIT TOP 50 virologist exposes gates, Fauci and political motivations Obama Grant- Fauci- Wuhan lab Fauci, Gates, Kissinger Overview video
    Up to 1.7 M people could die Prepping for millions infected CDC TEN DAYS TO COLLAPSE Hospital beds to be overrun by May 8 A trip to the infected zone Coronavirus fear porn 34 times worse than flu Why the US is in big trouble Panic buying Coronavirus fear porn Weaponized virus hits the US 1000 cases in LA Cases explode overnight Hitting US HARD IN 2-4 weeks
    Australians forced vaccinations Bill to penalize missed vaccines Bill gates calls for vaccine certificate National plan to vaccinate everyone Plans to come after home school kids Forced plan Vaccinations created by big pharma Trump spares mandatory vaccines Australia force vaccinates citizens via chemtrails Trumps pic, Scott Gottlieb supports mandatory vaccinations Vaccine bill- SB163-Colorado, polio/CDC agenda repeats itself Setting the bar for vaccinations Australians forced vaccinations Corporations pushing mandatory coronavirus vaccines for customers, not just employees EPA approves chemical air spray treatments (chemtrails)
    Abnormal genetic code-Altering the human genome CIA 2005 removing God through vaccines Gates admits vaccine will change your DNA forever Elon Musk- You can basically reprogram people with the vaccine Abnormal genetic code
    Now is the time for The Great Reset Great reset is a eugenics program under Agenda 21 HG Wells dystopia and The Great Reset
  • HOAX
    Empty Hospitals COVID plandemic socialist scheme Greatest hoax on all humanity German doctor says COVID is a hoax The greatest hoax on all humanity Government says COVID does not exist
    CDC says Flu is gone, its all COVID Fauci promoted HCQ in 2015 Pfizer CEO cancels trip to Israel-He is not vaccinated
    Pfizer CEO: Not sure of transmission after vaccine Ireland forced to admit it doesn’t exist Incubation confusion We are not the first civilization to face a full catastrophic human wipeout
    Sara Brady Eva Selleck Ammon Bundy Robert Jones David Pettinger Bryan Bowermaster Robert Jones North Idaho
    No governor can mandate wearing a mask There is no COVID exemption in our constitution Frontline Doctors- Vaccine Bill of Rights
    Can businesses be in trouble for violating the practice of medicine No governor can mandate wearing a mask Two differing outcomes on mandates The illegality of masks “Lawful” authority for Idaho Health districts 8 ways the constitution was violated in Idaho DOES MY CHILD HAVE TO WEAR A MASK TO SCHOOL? “Special laws” governing communicable diseases-CDC Michael Law- Charges on Idaho’s Governor Brad Little Idaho DHW law Idaho Code: Definitions of “isolation” and “quarantine” The "Order" was issued by H&W Director Jeppesen 1of2 The "Order" was issued by H&W Director Jeppesen 2of2 Letter to the governor Idaho Emergency Operations Plan
    States looking at revisiting forced vaccine laws Covid-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines 10 points of the Nuremburg Code NUREMBERG CODE: Nuremberg code=Must be Voluntary! 8 facts that are actually lies There is no COVID exemption in our constitution No governor can mandate wearing a mask Legal review of MASKS pertaining to the ADA Government loses landmark vaccine case Federal civil rights statute Laws for the common good (communism) “Special laws” governing communicable diseases-CDC Federal law-Deprivation of Rights
    Nonprofit to File Lawsuit Against CDC Over Statement That Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism Government loses landmark vaccine case Lawyers Promise ‘Nuremberg Trials’ Against All Behind COVID Scam
    Coronavirus lockdown Police quarantine entire CA block after man dies Lockdowns pave the way for totalitarian control Lockdown is a power grab Report: States that imposed lockdown have more COVID-19 deaths per million compared to no-lockdown states Quarantine camps Quarantine camps in major US airports Cruise ships quarantined in Nebraska Alabama quarantine Iran on lockdown Former Clinton advisor says we are becoming more totalitarian with lockdowns Public Officials lying about lockdowns
    This page is dedicated to providing information for your consideration about COVID-19 that may not be well known. Much of this information has been censored but is provided here to share a perspective that may be worthwhile in challenging yourselves, the media and government narrative. This content on this page will continually be added as time allows. All of the links were working at the time they were placed here. ​ This page was designed to be a landing page for the brochures I created and I will be handing those out to those that are unaware of my page. All that will be needed is for those receiving my brochures is to place their phone over the QR code in camera mode and they will be taken to this page to click on titles to access the articles. This page was not created to upset or argue with anyone nor do I think it will change everyone's mind. It was created in good conscience to offer a warning for those open to challenging what they think they know. There are many areas that this issue covers so click on the topic that interests you to view a dropdown menu. If you find any information that can be proven false and can substantiate your claim with other proof, I would be happy to remove my source or at least post yours to challenge the reader to make up their own mind. This page is in no way designed to be one sided but since the media seems to be and we all know what their position is, there really is no need to give them room here. ​ If you find this information worth sharing please share the link or links and be sure to scroll to the bottom of this page and PRINT COPIES OF THE BROCHURE to share with others. Click on a title and reveal its contents and click the subtitle to learn more.
    11-point overview-China/5G radiation sickness
    Facts on coronavirus 2019-nCoV, SARS-CoV, Spike protein, Maturation protease,Furin, Antivirals
    Ask the experts, Pfizer CEO: Not sure of transmission after vaccine
    Bill Gates wants all his dreams to come true for all humanity-ABC news Italian Parliament member demands arrest of Bill Gates for Crimes of Humanity What you don’t know about Bill Gates How Bill Gates and the WHO crushed Hydroxychloroquine Bill Gates, a Beyond Meat stakeholder, wants all first world countries to eat synthetic meat Bill Gates/ Fake virus/DNA modifying vaccines Gates to use mosquitos to vaccine you Bill Gates briefing to the CIA What did Bill Gates just say
    Is COVID a bio-weapon: Cambridge statement on the Creation of Pathogens Rothchilds created and patented covid biometric tests: Mike Adams joins Alex jones about why covid is a bioweapon: Weaponizing virus: Biological Weapon Vaccines change your DNA Wyoming medical doctor says COVID is a bioweapon David E. Martin- The missing link and Biological warfare Bio-warfare & Weaponization of Medicine Amid Covid - The New American Is the recent corona virus, COVID-19 a biological weapon? - Utica Phoenix The Cambridge Working Group Proof it is a bioweapon Connections to Chinese biowarfare COVID 19 is a bioweapon Bioweapon unleashed Spiro- Bioweapon coronavirus update Bioweapons: (Man-made)
    Chinese data control geo fencing: New Chinese app controlling citizens People welded in their homes in china? Justin Trudeau supports CCP CCP makes billions on masks sent to the US US infiltration of CCP members Fact Sheet: Activity at the Wuhan Institute of Virology - United States Department of State During Pandemic, China Sent Millions of Counterfeit Masks, Test Kits to US: Customs Data CHINA using anal swabs to detect COVID Did CHINA leak terrifying numbers or was it fear mongering? CHINA admits to rigging its numbers China withheld data from the WHO WHO's "investigation" into the Wuhan lab was conducted in part by a CCP advisor, Marion Koopmans China arrests leader of criminal organization selling “fake” coronavirus vaccines Communist China trying to genetically engineer new master race Rush Limbaugh makes obvious point that Wuhan coronavirus might have been a Chinese bioweapon that escaped from the lab Mikey beholden to China? Wife of former Bloomberg journalist says he "tried to ruin me for speaking out" against Communist regime China’s own scientists conclude the CoVid-19 coronavirus did not originate in the Wuhan seafood market Was coronavirus spread by BSL-4 lab animals that were illegally sold as meat on the black market? Connections to Chinese biowarfare China's dilemma
    Definition of COVID-19 Certificate Of Vaccination ID Artificial Intelligence Knowing the plans of the enemy and Bill Gates video Breaking news on CCP virus Govt in Ireland forced to admit COVID doesn’t exist What you are not being told Coronavirus linked to British Rothschilds Coronavirus and the Orwellian state Coronavirus not what we were told Germany ratifies AGENDAID2020 and Gates vaccine package Simpsons episode Simpsons “predict” the future 17 times Proof Agenda 21 and the Great Reset are NWO Fake injection? Ultimate proof that COVID was created to bring about the NWO
    Career as a contact tracer
    CDC for thanksgiving Medical tyranny and plans to invade your home CDC calls for interment camps and invasion of homes Seattle Fire will go door to door with coronavirus vaccines to adult family homes | The Seattle Times Germany Will Detain COVID-19 Rulebreakers in Refugee Camps - The New American Medical tyranny BOISE re-issues mask mandate LA and medical tyranny CDH IDAHO: Medical tyranny on private businesses Liberal female “health inspector” caught dancing after threatening to close brewery because of coronavirus Germany keeps lockdown in place even as the government receives intense criticism from business organizations UK citizens may have to present a vaccine passport before entering pubs and restaurants Medical and worldwide tyranny music video-Pots and Pans Deep state attack on water supply Issa says get vaccine, get back to normalBiden calls Governors freeing mandates neanderthal thinking
    Covid and drug cartels
    Non-maskers create havoc in the grocery store- The sheep are nervous
    CIA Operations Seaspray, Paperclip, MKNAOMI, Big City, Depopulation, RFID and Digital Vaccine (MUST WATCH FIRST) Great Reset Welcome to the Great Reset Catherine Austin Fitts: Mark of the beast rollout: Dr. Lee Merritt Dismantles COVID-19:Americas frontline doctors speak out! Plandemic- Dr. Judy Mikovits: Down the rabbit hole: Operation paperclip Who is Bill Gates- from Microsoft to vaccines Documentary: Project Lockstep Documentary: COVID and the great reset- The reset is you Documentary: The next phase of the agenda -Globalism, Agenda 21 The Real Agenda Behind The Pandemic - LOCKDOWN Documentary The fall of the cabal documentary Documentary-Out of the Shadows documentary on Hollywood/CIA/behavioral manipulation/mind control
    Russell Blaylock Sherri Tenpenny Mike Adams Catherine Austin Fitts Andrew Wakefield Francis Boyle Simone Gold Sam Bailey-Nz Lee Merritt Stephen Malthouse Pamala Acker Rashid Buttar
    Vaccine depopulation in 3-6 months- Dr. Tenpenny Vaccine director days kill all white people CDC admits 98 million Americans were injected with cancer Bill gates says 30 million will die in 6 months Experts says 10’s of millions could die How vaccines may destroy millions of people Claire Edwards documentary- Genocide of COVID-19 Mandatory vaccinations and genocide Great reset is a eugenics program under Agenda 21 People dropping like flies Incineration ovens Miscarriages and stillbirths after COVID vaccination Depopulation: the ultimate solution to the carbon crisis Austria suspends Astra Zeneca vaccine after death Ex-Medical Examiner: 500,000 COVID deaths is a lie Black leaders dare expose the COVID genocide Depopulation with mRNA vaccine in 3-6 months Unusually large shipments of body bags- Fed Ex employee
    Enter your answer here
    Fudged numbers- COVID numbers up as flu shots go up Johns Hopkins removes original numbers To get the numbers they want- Maintaining the narrative Fudged numbers: 202 no different that previous years A closer look at the deaths- Johns Hopkins Johns Hopkins info taken down on COVID-19 Research shows No surge of fatalities in 2020, despite COVID virus- 12/20 CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers - Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 How they get their numbers to achieve their objective
    Fauci’s mask hypocrisy: No masks, two masks? COVID test Inventor says Fauci is not to be trusted Ex-Fauci employee DR FRITZ tells all- Fauci/money/vaccine/ genocide Rashid Buttar- MIT TOP 50 virologist exposes gates, Fauci and political motivations Obama Grant- Fauci- Wuhan lab Fauci, Gates, Kissinger Overview video
    Up to 1.7 M people could die Prepping for millions infected CDC TEN DAYS TO COLLAPSE Hospital beds to be overrun by May 8 A trip to the infected zone Coronavirus fear porn 34 times worse than flu Why the US is in big trouble Panic buying Coronavirus fear porn Weaponized virus hits the US 1000 cases in LA Cases explode overnight Hitting US HARD IN 2-4 weeks
    Australians forced vaccinations Bill to penalize missed vaccines Bill gates calls for vaccine certificate National plan to vaccinate everyone Plans to come after home school kids Forced plan Vaccinations created by big pharma Trump spares mandatory vaccines Australia force vaccinates citizens via chemtrails Trumps pic, Scott Gottlieb supports mandatory vaccinations Vaccine bill- SB163-Colorado, polio/CDC agenda repeats itself Setting the bar for vaccinations Australians forced vaccinations Corporations pushing mandatory coronavirus vaccines for customers, not just employees EPA approves chemical air spray treatments (chemtrails)
    Abnormal genetic code-Altering the human genome CIA 2005 removing God through vaccines Gates admits vaccine will change your DNA forever Elon Musk- You can basically reprogram people with the vaccine Abnormal genetic code
    Now is the time for The Great Reset Great reset is a eugenics program under Agenda 21 HG Wells dystopia and The Great Reset
  • HOAX
    Empty Hospitals COVID plandemic socialist scheme Greatest hoax on all humanity German doctor says COVID is a hoax The greatest hoax on all humanity Government says COVID does not exist
    CDC says Flu is gone, its all COVID Fauci promoted HCQ in 2015 Pfizer CEO cancels trip to Israel-He is not vaccinated
    Pfizer CEO: Not sure of transmission after vaccine Ireland forced to admit it doesn’t exist Incubation confusion We are not the first civilization to face a full catastrophic human wipeout
    Sara Brady Eva Selleck Ammon Bundy Robert Jones David Pettinger Bryan Bowermaster Robert Jones North Idaho
    No governor can mandate wearing a mask There is no COVID exemption in our constitution Frontline Doctors- Vaccine Bill of Rights
    Can businesses be in trouble for violating the practice of medicine No governor can mandate wearing a mask Two differing outcomes on mandates The illegality of masks “Lawful” authority for Idaho Health districts 8 ways the constitution was violated in Idaho DOES MY CHILD HAVE TO WEAR A MASK TO SCHOOL? “Special laws” governing communicable diseases-CDC Michael Law- Charges on Idaho’s Governor Brad Little Idaho DHW law Idaho Code: Definitions of “isolation” and “quarantine” The "Order" was issued by H&W Director Jeppesen 1of2 The "Order" was issued by H&W Director Jeppesen 2of2 Letter to the governor Idaho Emergency Operations Plan
    States looking at revisiting forced vaccine laws Covid-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines 10 points of the Nuremburg Code NUREMBERG CODE: Nuremberg code=Must be Voluntary! 8 facts that are actually lies There is no COVID exemption in our constitution No governor can mandate wearing a mask Legal review of MASKS pertaining to the ADA Government loses landmark vaccine case Federal civil rights statute Laws for the common good (communism) “Special laws” governing communicable diseases-CDC Federal law-Deprivation of Rights
    Nonprofit to File Lawsuit Against CDC Over Statement That Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism Government loses landmark vaccine case Lawyers Promise ‘Nuremberg Trials’ Against All Behind COVID Scam
    Coronavirus lockdown Police quarantine entire CA block after man dies Lockdowns pave the way for totalitarian control Lockdown is a power grab Report: States that imposed lockdown have more COVID-19 deaths per million compared to no-lockdown states Quarantine camps Quarantine camps in major US airports Cruise ships quarantined in Nebraska Alabama quarantine Iran on lockdown Former Clinton advisor says we are becoming more totalitarian with lockdowns Public Officials lying about lockdowns
    This page is dedicated to providing information for your consideration about COVID-19 that may not be well known. Much of this information has been censored but is provided here to share a perspective that may be worthwhile in challenging yourselves, the media and government narrative. This content on this page will continually be added as time allows. All of the links were working at the time they were placed here. ​ This page was designed to be a landing page for the brochures I created and I will be handing those out to those that are unaware of my page. All that will be needed is for those receiving my brochures is to place their phone over the QR code in camera mode and they will be taken to this page to click on titles to access the articles. This page was not created to upset or argue with anyone nor do I think it will change everyone's mind. It was created in good conscience to offer a warning for those open to challenging what they think they know. There are many areas that this issue covers so click on the topic that interests you to view a dropdown menu. If you find any information that can be proven false and can substantiate your claim with other proof, I would be happy to remove my source or at least post yours to challenge the reader to make up their own mind. This page is in no way designed to be one sided but since the media seems to be and we all know what their position is, there really is no need to give them room here. ​ If you find this information worth sharing please share the link or links and be sure to scroll to the bottom of this page and PRINT COPIES OF THE BROCHURE to share with others. Click on a title and reveal its contents and click the subtitle to learn more.
    11-point overview-China/5G radiation sickness
    Facts on coronavirus 2019-nCoV, SARS-CoV, Spike protein, Maturation protease,Furin, Antivirals
    Ask the experts, Pfizer CEO: Not sure of transmission after vaccine
    Bill Gates wants all his dreams to come true for all humanity-ABC news Italian Parliament member demands arrest of Bill Gates for Crimes of Humanity What you don’t know about Bill Gates How Bill Gates and the WHO crushed Hydroxychloroquine Bill Gates, a Beyond Meat stakeholder, wants all first world countries to eat synthetic meat Bill Gates/ Fake virus/DNA modifying vaccines Gates to use mosquitos to vaccine you Bill Gates briefing to the CIA What did Bill Gates just say
    Is COVID a bio-weapon: Cambridge statement on the Creation of Pathogens Rothchilds created and patented covid biometric tests: Mike Adams joins Alex jones about why covid is a bioweapon: Weaponizing virus: Biological Weapon Vaccines change your DNA Wyoming medical doctor says COVID is a bioweapon David E. Martin- The missing link and Biological warfare Bio-warfare & Weaponization of Medicine Amid Covid - The New American Is the recent corona virus, COVID-19 a biological weapon? - Utica Phoenix The Cambridge Working Group Proof it is a bioweapon Connections to Chinese biowarfare COVID 19 is a bioweapon Bioweapon unleashed Spiro- Bioweapon coronavirus update Bioweapons: (Man-made)
    Chinese data control geo fencing: New Chinese app controlling citizens People welded in their homes in china? Justin Trudeau supports CCP CCP makes billions on masks sent to the US US infiltration of CCP members Fact Sheet: Activity at the Wuhan Institute of Virology - United States Department of State During Pandemic, China Sent Millions of Counterfeit Masks, Test Kits to US: Customs Data CHINA using anal swabs to detect COVID Did CHINA leak terrifying numbers or was it fear mongering? CHINA admits to rigging its numbers China withheld data from the WHO WHO's "investigation" into the Wuhan lab was conducted in part by a CCP advisor, Marion Koopmans China arrests leader of criminal organization selling “fake” coronavirus vaccines Communist China trying to genetically engineer new master race Rush Limbaugh makes obvious point that Wuhan coronavirus might have been a Chinese bioweapon that escaped from the lab Mikey beholden to China? Wife of former Bloomberg journalist says he "tried to ruin me for speaking out" against Communist regime China’s own scientists conclude the CoVid-19 coronavirus did not originate in the Wuhan seafood market Was coronavirus spread by BSL-4 lab animals that were illegally sold as meat on the black market? Connections to Chinese biowarfare China's dilemma
    Definition of COVID-19 Certificate Of Vaccination ID Artificial Intelligence Knowing the plans of the enemy and Bill Gates video Breaking news on CCP virus Govt in Ireland forced to admit COVID doesn’t exist What you are not being told Coronavirus linked to British Rothschilds Coronavirus and the Orwellian state Coronavirus not what we were told Germany ratifies AGENDAID2020 and Gates vaccine package Simpsons episode Simpsons “predict” the future 17 times Proof Agenda 21 and the Great Reset are NWO Fake injection? Ultimate proof that COVID was created to bring about the NWO
    Career as a contact tracer
    CDC for thanksgiving Medical tyranny and plans to invade your home CDC calls for interment camps and invasion of homes Seattle Fire will go door to door with coronavirus vaccines to adult family homes | The Seattle Times Germany Will Detain COVID-19 Rulebreakers in Refugee Camps - The New American Medical tyranny BOISE re-issues mask mandate LA and medical tyranny CDH IDAHO: Medical tyranny on private businesses Liberal female “health inspector” caught dancing after threatening to close brewery because of coronavirus Germany keeps lockdown in place even as the government receives intense criticism from business organizations UK citizens may have to present a vaccine passport before entering pubs and restaurants Medical and worldwide tyranny music video-Pots and Pans Deep state attack on water supply Issa says get vaccine, get back to normalBiden calls Governors freeing mandates neanderthal thinking
    Covid and drug cartels
    Non-maskers create havoc in the grocery store- The sheep are nervous
    CIA Operations Seaspray, Paperclip, MKNAOMI, Big City, Depopulation, RFID and Digital Vaccine (MUST WATCH FIRST) Great Reset Welcome to the Great Reset Catherine Austin Fitts: Mark of the beast rollout: Dr. Lee Merritt Dismantles COVID-19:Americas frontline doctors speak out! Plandemic- Dr. Judy Mikovits: Down the rabbit hole: Operation paperclip Who is Bill Gates- from Microsoft to vaccines Documentary: Project Lockstep Documentary: COVID and the great reset- The reset is you Documentary: The next phase of the agenda -Globalism, Agenda 21 The Real Agenda Behind The Pandemic - LOCKDOWN Documentary The fall of the cabal documentary Documentary-Out of the Shadows documentary on Hollywood/CIA/behavioral manipulation/mind control
    Russell Blaylock Sherri Tenpenny Mike Adams Catherine Austin Fitts Andrew Wakefield Francis Boyle Simone Gold Sam Bailey-Nz Lee Merritt Stephen Malthouse Pamala Acker Rashid Buttar
    Vaccine depopulation in 3-6 months- Dr. Tenpenny Vaccine director days kill all white people CDC admits 98 million Americans were injected with cancer Bill gates says 30 million will die in 6 months Experts says 10’s of millions could die How vaccines may destroy millions of people Claire Edwards documentary- Genocide of COVID-19 Mandatory vaccinations and genocide Great reset is a eugenics program under Agenda 21 People dropping like flies Incineration ovens Miscarriages and stillbirths after COVID vaccination Depopulation: the ultimate solution to the carbon crisis Austria suspends Astra Zeneca vaccine after death Ex-Medical Examiner: 500,000 COVID deaths is a lie Black leaders dare expose the COVID genocide Depopulation with mRNA vaccine in 3-6 months Unusually large shipments of body bags- Fed Ex employee
    Enter your answer here
    Fudged numbers- COVID numbers up as flu shots go up Johns Hopkins removes original numbers To get the numbers they want- Maintaining the narrative Fudged numbers: 202 no different that previous years A closer look at the deaths- Johns Hopkins Johns Hopkins info taken down on COVID-19 Research shows No surge of fatalities in 2020, despite COVID virus- 12/20 CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers - Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 How they get their numbers to achieve their objective
    Fauci’s mask hypocrisy: No masks, two masks? COVID test Inventor says Fauci is not to be trusted Ex-Fauci employee DR FRITZ tells all- Fauci/money/vaccine/ genocide Rashid Buttar- MIT TOP 50 virologist exposes gates, Fauci and political motivations Obama Grant- Fauci- Wuhan lab Fauci, Gates, Kissinger Overview video
    Up to 1.7 M people could die Prepping for millions infected CDC TEN DAYS TO COLLAPSE Hospital beds to be overrun by May 8 A trip to the infected zone Coronavirus fear porn 34 times worse than flu Why the US is in big trouble Panic buying Coronavirus fear porn Weaponized virus hits the US 1000 cases in LA Cases explode overnight Hitting US HARD IN 2-4 weeks
    Australians forced vaccinations Bill to penalize missed vaccines Bill gates calls for vaccine certificate National plan to vaccinate everyone Plans to come after home school kids Forced plan Vaccinations created by big pharma Trump spares mandatory vaccines Australia force vaccinates citizens via chemtrails Trumps pic, Scott Gottlieb supports mandatory vaccinations Vaccine bill- SB163-Colorado, polio/CDC agenda repeats itself Setting the bar for vaccinations Australians forced vaccinations Corporations pushing mandatory coronavirus vaccines for customers, not just employees EPA approves chemical air spray treatments (chemtrails)
    Abnormal genetic code-Altering the human genome CIA 2005 removing God through vaccines Gates admits vaccine will change your DNA forever Elon Musk- You can basically reprogram people with the vaccine Abnormal genetic code
    Now is the time for The Great Reset Great reset is a eugenics program under Agenda 21 HG Wells dystopia and The Great Reset
  • HOAX
    Empty Hospitals COVID plandemic socialist scheme Greatest hoax on all humanity German doctor says COVID is a hoax The greatest hoax on all humanity Government says COVID does not exist
    CDC says Flu is gone, its all COVID Fauci promoted HCQ in 2015 Pfizer CEO cancels trip to Israel-He is not vaccinated
    Pfizer CEO: Not sure of transmission after vaccine Ireland forced to admit it doesn’t exist Incubation confusion We are not the first civilization to face a full catastrophic human wipeout
    Sara Brady Eva Selleck Ammon Bundy Robert Jones David Pettinger Bryan Bowermaster Robert Jones North Idaho
    No governor can mandate wearing a mask There is no COVID exemption in our constitution Frontline Doctors- Vaccine Bill of Rights
    Can businesses be in trouble for violating the practice of medicine No governor can mandate wearing a mask Two differing outcomes on mandates The illegality of masks “Lawful” authority for Idaho Health districts 8 ways the constitution was violated in Idaho DOES MY CHILD HAVE TO WEAR A MASK TO SCHOOL? “Special laws” governing communicable diseases-CDC Michael Law- Charges on Idaho’s Governor Brad Little Idaho DHW law Idaho Code: Definitions of “isolation” and “quarantine” The "Order" was issued by H&W Director Jeppesen 1of2 The "Order" was issued by H&W Director Jeppesen 2of2 Letter to the governor Idaho Emergency Operations Plan
    States looking at revisiting forced vaccine laws Covid-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines 10 points of the Nuremburg Code NUREMBERG CODE: Nuremberg code=Must be Voluntary! 8 facts that are actually lies There is no COVID exemption in our constitution No governor can mandate wearing a mask Legal review of MASKS pertaining to the ADA Government loses landmark vaccine case Federal civil rights statute Laws for the common good (communism) “Special laws” governing communicable diseases-CDC Federal law-Deprivation of Rights
    Nonprofit to File Lawsuit Against CDC Over Statement That Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism Government loses landmark vaccine case Lawyers Promise ‘Nuremberg Trials’ Against All Behind COVID Scam
    Coronavirus lockdown Police quarantine entire CA block after man dies Lockdowns pave the way for totalitarian control Lockdown is a power grab Report: States that imposed lockdown have more COVID-19 deaths per million compared to no-lockdown states Quarantine camps Quarantine camps in major US airports Cruise ships quarantined in Nebraska Alabama quarantine Iran on lockdown Former Clinton advisor says we are becoming more totalitarian with lockdowns Public Officials lying about lockdowns
    This page is dedicated to providing information for your consideration about COVID-19 that may not be well known. Much of this information has been censored but is provided here to share a perspective that may be worthwhile in challenging yourselves, the media and government narrative. This content on this page will continually be added as time allows. All of the links were working at the time they were placed here. ​ This page was designed to be a landing page for the brochures I created and I will be handing those out to those that are unaware of my page. All that will be needed is for those receiving my brochures is to place their phone over the QR code in camera mode and they will be taken to this page to click on titles to access the articles. This page was not created to upset or argue with anyone nor do I think it will change everyone's mind. It was created in good conscience to offer a warning for those open to challenging what they think they know. There are many areas that this issue covers so click on the topic that interests you to view a dropdown menu. If you find any information that can be proven false and can substantiate your claim with other proof, I would be happy to remove my source or at least post yours to challenge the reader to make up their own mind. This page is in no way designed to be one sided but since the media seems to be and we all know what their position is, there really is no need to give them room here. ​ If you find this information worth sharing please share the link or links and be sure to scroll to the bottom of this page and PRINT COPIES OF THE BROCHURE to share with others. Click on a title and reveal its contents and click the subtitle to learn more.
    11-point overview-China/5G radiation sickness
    Facts on coronavirus 2019-nCoV, SARS-CoV, Spike protein, Maturation protease,Furin, Antivirals
    Ask the experts, Pfizer CEO: Not sure of transmission after vaccine
    Bill Gates wants all his dreams to come true for all humanity-ABC news Italian Parliament member demands arrest of Bill Gates for Crimes of Humanity What you don’t know about Bill Gates How Bill Gates and the WHO crushed Hydroxychloroquine Bill Gates, a Beyond Meat stakeholder, wants all first world countries to eat synthetic meat Bill Gates/ Fake virus/DNA modifying vaccines Gates to use mosquitos to vaccine you Bill Gates briefing to the CIA What did Bill Gates just say
    Is COVID a bio-weapon: Cambridge statement on the Creation of Pathogens Rothchilds created and patented covid biometric tests: Mike Adams joins Alex jones about why covid is a bioweapon: Weaponizing virus: Biological Weapon Vaccines change your DNA Wyoming medical doctor says COVID is a bioweapon David E. Martin- The missing link and Biological warfare Bio-warfare & Weaponization of Medicine Amid Covid - The New American Is the recent corona virus, COVID-19 a biological weapon? - Utica Phoenix The Cambridge Working Group Proof it is a bioweapon Connections to Chinese biowarfare COVID 19 is a bioweapon Bioweapon unleashed Spiro- Bioweapon coronavirus update Bioweapons: (Man-made)
    Chinese data control geo fencing: New Chinese app controlling citizens People welded in their homes in china? Justin Trudeau supports CCP CCP makes billions on masks sent to the US US infiltration of CCP members Fact Sheet: Activity at the Wuhan Institute of Virology - United States Department of State During Pandemic, China Sent Millions of Counterfeit Masks, Test Kits to US: Customs Data CHINA using anal swabs to detect COVID Did CHINA leak terrifying numbers or was it fear mongering? CHINA admits to rigging its numbers China withheld data from the WHO WHO's "investigation" into the Wuhan lab was conducted in part by a CCP advisor, Marion Koopmans China arrests leader of criminal organization selling “fake” coronavirus vaccines Communist China trying to genetically engineer new master race Rush Limbaugh makes obvious point that Wuhan coronavirus might have been a Chinese bioweapon that escaped from the lab Mikey beholden to China? Wife of former Bloomberg journalist says he "tried to ruin me for speaking out" against Communist regime China’s own scientists conclude the CoVid-19 coronavirus did not originate in the Wuhan seafood market Was coronavirus spread by BSL-4 lab animals that were illegally sold as meat on the black market? Connections to Chinese biowarfare China's dilemma
    Definition of COVID-19 Certificate Of Vaccination ID Artificial Intelligence Knowing the plans of the enemy and Bill Gates video Breaking news on CCP virus Govt in Ireland forced to admit COVID doesn’t exist What you are not being told Coronavirus linked to British Rothschilds Coronavirus and the Orwellian state Coronavirus not what we were told Germany ratifies AGENDAID2020 and Gates vaccine package Simpsons episode Simpsons “predict” the future 17 times Proof Agenda 21 and the Great Reset are NWO Fake injection? Ultimate proof that COVID was created to bring about the NWO
    Career as a contact tracer
    CDC for thanksgiving Medical tyranny and plans to invade your home CDC calls for interment camps and invasion of homes Seattle Fire will go door to door with coronavirus vaccines to adult family homes | The Seattle Times Germany Will Detain COVID-19 Rulebreakers in Refugee Camps - The New American Medical tyranny BOISE re-issues mask mandate LA and medical tyranny CDH IDAHO: Medical tyranny on private businesses Liberal female “health inspector” caught dancing after threatening to close brewery because of coronavirus Germany keeps lockdown in place even as the government receives intense criticism from business organizations UK citizens may have to present a vaccine passport before entering pubs and restaurants Medical and worldwide tyranny music video-Pots and Pans Deep state attack on water supply Issa says get vaccine, get back to normalBiden calls Governors freeing mandates neanderthal thinking
    Covid and drug cartels
    Non-maskers create havoc in the grocery store- The sheep are nervous
    CIA Operations Seaspray, Paperclip, MKNAOMI, Big City, Depopulation, RFID and Digital Vaccine (MUST WATCH FIRST) Great Reset Welcome to the Great Reset Catherine Austin Fitts: Mark of the beast rollout: Dr. Lee Merritt Dismantles COVID-19:Americas frontline doctors speak out! Plandemic- Dr. Judy Mikovits: Down the rabbit hole: Operation paperclip Who is Bill Gates- from Microsoft to vaccines Documentary: Project Lockstep Documentary: COVID and the great reset- The reset is you Documentary: The next phase of the agenda -Globalism, Agenda 21 The Real Agenda Behind The Pandemic - LOCKDOWN Documentary The fall of the cabal documentary Documentary-Out of the Shadows documentary on Hollywood/CIA/behavioral manipulation/mind control
    Russell Blaylock Sherri Tenpenny Mike Adams Catherine Austin Fitts Andrew Wakefield Francis Boyle Simone Gold Sam Bailey-Nz Lee Merritt Stephen Malthouse Pamala Acker Rashid Buttar
    Vaccine depopulation in 3-6 months- Dr. Tenpenny Vaccine director days kill all white people CDC admits 98 million Americans were injected with cancer Bill gates says 30 million will die in 6 months Experts says 10’s of millions could die How vaccines may destroy millions of people Claire Edwards documentary- Genocide of COVID-19 Mandatory vaccinations and genocide Great reset is a eugenics program under Agenda 21 People dropping like flies Incineration ovens Miscarriages and stillbirths after COVID vaccination Depopulation: the ultimate solution to the carbon crisis Austria suspends Astra Zeneca vaccine after death Ex-Medical Examiner: 500,000 COVID deaths is a lie Black leaders dare expose the COVID genocide Depopulation with mRNA vaccine in 3-6 months Unusually large shipments of body bags- Fed Ex employee
    Enter your answer here
    Fudged numbers- COVID numbers up as flu shots go up Johns Hopkins removes original numbers To get the numbers they want- Maintaining the narrative Fudged numbers: 202 no different that previous years A closer look at the deaths- Johns Hopkins Johns Hopkins info taken down on COVID-19 Research shows No surge of fatalities in 2020, despite COVID virus- 12/20 CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers - Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 How they get their numbers to achieve their objective
    Fauci’s mask hypocrisy: No masks, two masks? COVID test Inventor says Fauci is not to be trusted Ex-Fauci employee DR FRITZ tells all- Fauci/money/vaccine/ genocide Rashid Buttar- MIT TOP 50 virologist exposes gates, Fauci and political motivations Obama Grant- Fauci- Wuhan lab Fauci, Gates, Kissinger Overview video
    Up to 1.7 M people could die Prepping for millions infected CDC TEN DAYS TO COLLAPSE Hospital beds to be overrun by May 8 A trip to the infected zone Coronavirus fear porn 34 times worse than flu Why the US is in big trouble Panic buying Coronavirus fear porn Weaponized virus hits the US 1000 cases in LA Cases explode overnight Hitting US HARD IN 2-4 weeks
    Australians forced vaccinations Bill to penalize missed vaccines Bill gates calls for vaccine certificate National plan to vaccinate everyone Plans to come after home school kids Forced plan Vaccinations created by big pharma Trump spares mandatory vaccines Australia force vaccinates citizens via chemtrails Trumps pic, Scott Gottlieb supports mandatory vaccinations Vaccine bill- SB163-Colorado, polio/CDC agenda repeats itself Setting the bar for vaccinations Australians forced vaccinations Corporations pushing mandatory coronavirus vaccines for customers, not just employees EPA approves chemical air spray treatments (chemtrails)
    Abnormal genetic code-Altering the human genome CIA 2005 removing God through vaccines Gates admits vaccine will change your DNA forever Elon Musk- You can basically reprogram people with the vaccine Abnormal genetic code
    Now is the time for The Great Reset Great reset is a eugenics program under Agenda 21 HG Wells dystopia and The Great Reset
  • HOAX
    Empty Hospitals COVID plandemic socialist scheme Greatest hoax on all humanity German doctor says COVID is a hoax The greatest hoax on all humanity Government says COVID does not exist
    CDC says Flu is gone, its all COVID Fauci promoted HCQ in 2015 Pfizer CEO cancels trip to Israel-He is not vaccinated
    Pfizer CEO: Not sure of transmission after vaccine Ireland forced to admit it doesn’t exist Incubation confusion We are not the first civilization to face a full catastrophic human wipeout
    Sara Brady Eva Selleck Ammon Bundy Robert Jones David Pettinger Bryan Bowermaster Robert Jones North Idaho
    No governor can mandate wearing a mask There is no COVID exemption in our constitution Frontline Doctors- Vaccine Bill of Rights
    Can businesses be in trouble for violating the practice of medicine No governor can mandate wearing a mask Two differing outcomes on mandates The illegality of masks “Lawful” authority for Idaho Health districts 8 ways the constitution was violated in Idaho DOES MY CHILD HAVE TO WEAR A MASK TO SCHOOL? “Special laws” governing communicable diseases-CDC Michael Law- Charges on Idaho’s Governor Brad Little Idaho DHW law Idaho Code: Definitions of “isolation” and “quarantine” The "Order" was issued by H&W Director Jeppesen 1of2 The "Order" was issued by H&W Director Jeppesen 2of2 Letter to the governor Idaho Emergency Operations Plan
    States looking at revisiting forced vaccine laws Covid-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines 10 points of the Nuremburg Code NUREMBERG CODE: Nuremberg code=Must be Voluntary! 8 facts that are actually lies There is no COVID exemption in our constitution No governor can mandate wearing a mask Legal review of MASKS pertaining to the ADA Government loses landmark vaccine case Federal civil rights statute Laws for the common good (communism) “Special laws” governing communicable diseases-CDC Federal law-Deprivation of Rights
    Nonprofit to File Lawsuit Against CDC Over Statement That Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism Government loses landmark vaccine case Lawyers Promise ‘Nuremberg Trials’ Against All Behind COVID Scam
    Coronavirus lockdown Police quarantine entire CA block after man dies Lockdowns pave the way for totalitarian control Lockdown is a power grab Report: States that imposed lockdown have more COVID-19 deaths per million compared to no-lockdown states Quarantine camps Quarantine camps in major US airports Cruise ships quarantined in Nebraska Alabama quarantine Iran on lockdown Former Clinton advisor says we are becoming more totalitarian with lockdowns Public Officials lying about lockdowns
    This page is dedicated to providing information for your consideration about COVID-19 that may not be well known. Much of this information has been censored but is provided here to share a perspective that may be worthwhile in challenging yourselves, the media and government narrative. This content on this page will continually be added as time allows. All of the links were working at the time they were placed here. ​ This page was designed to be a landing page for the brochures I created and I will be handing those out to those that are unaware of my page. All that will be needed is for those receiving my brochures is to place their phone over the QR code in camera mode and they will be taken to this page to click on titles to access the articles. This page was not created to upset or argue with anyone nor do I think it will change everyone's mind. It was created in good conscience to offer a warning for those open to challenging what they think they know. There are many areas that this issue covers so click on the topic that interests you to view a dropdown menu. If you find any information that can be proven false and can substantiate your claim with other proof, I would be happy to remove my source or at least post yours to challenge the reader to make up their own mind. This page is in no way designed to be one sided but since the media seems to be and we all know what their position is, there really is no need to give them room here. ​ If you find this information worth sharing please share the link or links and be sure to scroll to the bottom of this page and PRINT COPIES OF THE BROCHURE to share with others. Click on a title and reveal its contents and click the subtitle to learn more.
    11-point overview-China/5G radiation sickness
    Facts on coronavirus 2019-nCoV, SARS-CoV, Spike protein, Maturation protease,Furin, Antivirals
    Ask the experts, Pfizer CEO: Not sure of transmission after vaccine
    Bill Gates wants all his dreams to come true for all humanity-ABC news Italian Parliament member demands arrest of Bill Gates for Crimes of Humanity What you don’t know about Bill Gates How Bill Gates and the WHO crushed Hydroxychloroquine Bill Gates, a Beyond Meat stakeholder, wants all first world countries to eat synthetic meat Bill Gates/ Fake virus/DNA modifying vaccines Gates to use mosquitos to vaccine you Bill Gates briefing to the CIA What did Bill Gates just say
    Is COVID a bio-weapon: Cambridge statement on the Creation of Pathogens Rothchilds created and patented covid biometric tests: Mike Adams joins Alex jones about why covid is a bioweapon: Weaponizing virus: Biological Weapon Vaccines change your DNA Wyoming medical doctor says COVID is a bioweapon David E. Martin- The missing link and Biological warfare Bio-warfare & Weaponization of Medicine Amid Covid - The New American Is the recent corona virus, COVID-19 a biological weapon? - Utica Phoenix The Cambridge Working Group Proof it is a bioweapon Connections to Chinese biowarfare COVID 19 is a bioweapon Bioweapon unleashed Spiro- Bioweapon coronavirus update Bioweapons: (Man-made)
    Chinese data control geo fencing: New Chinese app controlling citizens People welded in their homes in china? Justin Trudeau supports CCP CCP makes billions on masks sent to the US US infiltration of CCP members Fact Sheet: Activity at the Wuhan Institute of Virology - United States Department of State During Pandemic, China Sent Millions of Counterfeit Masks, Test Kits to US: Customs Data CHINA using anal swabs to detect COVID Did CHINA leak terrifying numbers or was it fear mongering? CHINA admits to rigging its numbers China withheld data from the WHO WHO's "investigation" into the Wuhan lab was conducted in part by a CCP advisor, Marion Koopmans China arrests leader of criminal organization selling “fake” coronavirus vaccines Communist China trying to genetically engineer new master race Rush Limbaugh makes obvious point that Wuhan coronavirus might have been a Chinese bioweapon that escaped from the lab Mikey beholden to China? Wife of former Bloomberg journalist says he "tried to ruin me for speaking out" against Communist regime China’s own scientists conclude the CoVid-19 coronavirus did not originate in the Wuhan seafood market Was coronavirus spread by BSL-4 lab animals that were illegally sold as meat on the black market? Connections to Chinese biowarfare China's dilemma
    Definition of COVID-19 Certificate Of Vaccination ID Artificial Intelligence Knowing the plans of the enemy and Bill Gates video Breaking news on CCP virus Govt in Ireland forced to admit COVID doesn’t exist What you are not being told Coronavirus linked to British Rothschilds Coronavirus and the Orwellian state Coronavirus not what we were told Germany ratifies AGENDAID2020 and Gates vaccine package Simpsons episode Simpsons “predict” the future 17 times Proof Agenda 21 and the Great Reset are NWO Fake injection? Ultimate proof that COVID was created to bring about the NWO
    Career as a contact tracer
    CDC for thanksgiving Medical tyranny and plans to invade your home CDC calls for interment camps and invasion of homes Seattle Fire will go door to door with coronavirus vaccines to adult family homes | The Seattle Times Germany Will Detain COVID-19 Rulebreakers in Refugee Camps - The New American Medical tyranny BOISE re-issues mask mandate LA and medical tyranny CDH IDAHO: Medical tyranny on private businesses Liberal female “health inspector” caught dancing after threatening to close brewery because of coronavirus Germany keeps lockdown in place even as the government receives intense criticism from business organizations UK citizens may have to present a vaccine passport before entering pubs and restaurants Medical and worldwide tyranny music video-Pots and Pans Deep state attack on water supply Issa says get vaccine, get back to normalBiden calls Governors freeing mandates neanderthal thinking
    Covid and drug cartels
    Non-maskers create havoc in the grocery store- The sheep are nervous
    CIA Operations Seaspray, Paperclip, MKNAOMI, Big City, Depopulation, RFID and Digital Vaccine (MUST WATCH FIRST) Great Reset Welcome to the Great Reset Catherine Austin Fitts: Mark of the beast rollout: Dr. Lee Merritt Dismantles COVID-19:Americas frontline doctors speak out! Plandemic- Dr. Judy Mikovits: Down the rabbit hole: Operation paperclip Who is Bill Gates- from Microsoft to vaccines Documentary: Project Lockstep Documentary: COVID and the great reset- The reset is you Documentary: The next phase of the agenda -Globalism, Agenda 21 The Real Agenda Behind The Pandemic - LOCKDOWN Documentary The fall of the cabal documentary Documentary-Out of the Shadows documentary on Hollywood/CIA/behavioral manipulation/mind control
    Russell Blaylock Sherri Tenpenny Mike Adams Catherine Austin Fitts Andrew Wakefield Francis Boyle Simone Gold Sam Bailey-Nz Lee Merritt Stephen Malthouse Pamala Acker Rashid Buttar
    Vaccine depopulation in 3-6 months- Dr. Tenpenny Vaccine director days kill all white people CDC admits 98 million Americans were injected with cancer Bill gates says 30 million will die in 6 months Experts says 10’s of millions could die How vaccines may destroy millions of people Claire Edwards documentary- Genocide of COVID-19 Mandatory vaccinations and genocide Great reset is a eugenics program under Agenda 21 People dropping like flies Incineration ovens Miscarriages and stillbirths after COVID vaccination Depopulation: the ultimate solution to the carbon crisis Austria suspends Astra Zeneca vaccine after death Ex-Medical Examiner: 500,000 COVID deaths is a lie Black leaders dare expose the COVID genocide Depopulation with mRNA vaccine in 3-6 months Unusually large shipments of body bags- Fed Ex employee
    Enter your answer here
    Fudged numbers- COVID numbers up as flu shots go up Johns Hopkins removes original numbers To get the numbers they want- Maintaining the narrative Fudged numbers: 202 no different that previous years A closer look at the deaths- Johns Hopkins Johns Hopkins info taken down on COVID-19 Research shows No surge of fatalities in 2020, despite COVID virus- 12/20 CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers - Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 How they get their numbers to achieve their objective
    Fauci’s mask hypocrisy: No masks, two masks? COVID test Inventor says Fauci is not to be trusted Ex-Fauci employee DR FRITZ tells all- Fauci/money/vaccine/ genocide Rashid Buttar- MIT TOP 50 virologist exposes gates, Fauci and political motivations Obama Grant- Fauci- Wuhan lab Fauci, Gates, Kissinger Overview video
    Up to 1.7 M people could die Prepping for millions infected CDC TEN DAYS TO COLLAPSE Hospital beds to be overrun by May 8 A trip to the infected zone Coronavirus fear porn 34 times worse than flu Why the US is in big trouble Panic buying Coronavirus fear porn Weaponized virus hits the US 1000 cases in LA Cases explode overnight Hitting US HARD IN 2-4 weeks
    Australians forced vaccinations Bill to penalize missed vaccines Bill gates calls for vaccine certificate National plan to vaccinate everyone Plans to come after home school kids Forced plan Vaccinations created by big pharma Trump spares mandatory vaccines Australia force vaccinates citizens via chemtrails Trumps pic, Scott Gottlieb supports mandatory vaccinations Vaccine bill- SB163-Colorado, polio/CDC agenda repeats itself Setting the bar for vaccinations Australians forced vaccinations Corporations pushing mandatory coronavirus vaccines for customers, not just employees EPA approves chemical air spray treatments (chemtrails)
    Abnormal genetic code-Altering the human genome CIA 2005 removing God through vaccines Gates admits vaccine will change your DNA forever Elon Musk- You can basically reprogram people with the vaccine Abnormal genetic code
    Now is the time for The Great Reset Great reset is a eugenics program under Agenda 21 HG Wells dystopia and The Great Reset
  • HOAX
    Empty Hospitals COVID plandemic socialist scheme Greatest hoax on all humanity German doctor says COVID is a hoax The greatest hoax on all humanity Government says COVID does not exist
    CDC says Flu is gone, its all COVID Fauci promoted HCQ in 2015 Pfizer CEO cancels trip to Israel-He is not vaccinated
    Pfizer CEO: Not sure of transmission after vaccine Ireland forced to admit it doesn’t exist Incubation confusion We are not the first civilization to face a full catastrophic human wipeout
    Sara Brady Eva Selleck Ammon Bundy Robert Jones David Pettinger Bryan Bowermaster Robert Jones North Idaho
    No governor can mandate wearing a mask There is no COVID exemption in our constitution Frontline Doctors- Vaccine Bill of Rights
    Can businesses be in trouble for violating the practice of medicine No governor can mandate wearing a mask Two differing outcomes on mandates The illegality of masks “Lawful” authority for Idaho Health districts 8 ways the constitution was violated in Idaho DOES MY CHILD HAVE TO WEAR A MASK TO SCHOOL? “Special laws” governing communicable diseases-CDC Michael Law- Charges on Idaho’s Governor Brad Little Idaho DHW law Idaho Code: Definitions of “isolation” and “quarantine” The "Order" was issued by H&W Director Jeppesen 1of2 The "Order" was issued by H&W Director Jeppesen 2of2 Letter to the governor Idaho Emergency Operations Plan
    States looking at revisiting forced vaccine laws Covid-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines 10 points of the Nuremburg Code NUREMBERG CODE: Nuremberg code=Must be Voluntary! 8 facts that are actually lies There is no COVID exemption in our constitution No governor can mandate wearing a mask Legal review of MASKS pertaining to the ADA Government loses landmark vaccine case Federal civil rights statute Laws for the common good (communism) “Special laws” governing communicable diseases-CDC Federal law-Deprivation of Rights
    Nonprofit to File Lawsuit Against CDC Over Statement That Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism Government loses landmark vaccine case Lawyers Promise ‘Nuremberg Trials’ Against All Behind COVID Scam
    Coronavirus lockdown Police quarantine entire CA block after man dies Lockdowns pave the way for totalitarian control Lockdown is a power grab Report: States that imposed lockdown have more COVID-19 deaths per million compared to no-lockdown states Quarantine camps Quarantine camps in major US airports Cruise ships quarantined in Nebraska Alabama quarantine Iran on lockdown Former Clinton advisor says we are becoming more totalitarian with lockdowns Public Officials lying about lockdowns
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