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The Dangers of Collective Collectivism

Writer's picture: Tom MundsTom Munds

In recent years, the meaning of words has shifted, often without public awareness. This shift is not merely a misunderstanding but a deliberate redefinition that impacts foundational concepts like democracy. Once understood as a our constitutional republic as "government by and for the people," is now labeled as a tenent of democracy and is increasingly being used to justify actions that undermine freedom while promoting our demise. When governments act "in the name of tolerance" or "maximizing freedom" without restraint, the unity and foundational principles of a nation crumble. History shows that mislabeling things like our form of government often leads to greater governmental control and the erosion of individual liberties.

The Silent Erosion of Standards

One significant issue in America today is the widespread apathy among citizens on so many levels. When people ignore even minor problems or fail to voice concerns, anywhere and any time, they unintentionally lower the benchmark for what a nation will tolerate. Governments, by nature, seek more control by trying to get us to see them as freedom fighters "for the people" and will continue to do so until enough people push back. For example, the principles of individualism and inherent rights, as enshrined in the founding of this nation, are being replaced by collectivism—a system fundamentally opposed to the values of a republic. Ironically, some who champion slogans like "Make America Great Again" fail to understand or defend these core principles.

The Role of Political Parties and Government Expansion

Political parties, or factions, seek to control the populace through democratic majorities and push narratives that align with their agendas. While civil discourse is vital, unchecked collectivism within government structures magnifies the natural human desire for control. This is evident in the proliferation of agencies, offices, and departments across all levels of government—many of which operate outside constitutional bounds. These entities blur the separation of powers, originally designed by the Founders to prevent abuse, and further consolidate control.

Public-Private Partnerships: A Hidden Threat

Public-private partnerships, often branded as NGOs or associations, present another layer of concern. Organizations like lobbyists, bar associations, and various legislative and law enforcement associations frequently collaborate with government agencies to advance agendas that favor corporations or empower the government. This collaboration, rather than safeguarding individual freedoms, erodes them under the guise of "public good."

The COVID-19 Example

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted how these collective structures can quickly align to enforce widespread control. Government agencies, corporations, and global organizations worked in unison to impose lockdowns, mirroring the authoritarian measures of totalitarian regimes. This raises a critical question: how did a nation founded on liberty so readily adopt such measures without thoroughly examining their validity?

Restoring the Republic

To reclaim the principles of a constitutional republic, we must address the unchecked growth of collectivism and stop looking at these associations and factions as solutions! The informed electorate must hold government accountable, ensuring that power remains decentralized and aligned with individual freedoms remaining within the confines of the constitution that's entire purposse was to limit government power, not to regulate the people they claim to serve. Safeguards like the separation of powers and adherence to constitutional principles must be rigorously upheld. Without this vigilance, the United States risks further descent into "mob rule" and the loss of the freedoms that define it, even "in the name of liberty."

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